Hi I’m back to blog again
Its been a hard week in shoe world had a lot of freelance footwear design projects to do including Kids trainers and slippers. My shoe designs are improving (if I do say so myself) being freelance, its is far more inspiring than being a hamster in a large shoe design wheel for a big company. I really enjoy the diversity of one day designing shoes for a function and the next a shoe which is bought mainly as a Christmas present. I enjoy working for different companies, I have been designing for the shoe industry now for 16 years and I am still learning and picking up new skills. I used ‘Indesign’ for the first time last night for a presentation. Bare in mind I come from the old school where I graduated from University using pencil, paper and a photocopier! I use adobe illustrator to draw with but I love the creativity you get with hand drawing, nothing better than sketching.
Thank you to all my facebook followers, sold my sole on facebook now has 100 people, I hope you find my reviews interesting. I do love my shos!!